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draft Value Set epSOSHealthcareProfessionalRoles 2013‑06‑03

Value Set Name Value Set Id Version / effective date Status
epSOSHealthcareProfessionalRoles 2008 - 2013‑06‑03 Draft
Source Code System:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883. ISCO
Level/ Type Code Display Name Code System Description
0-L 22 Health professionals ISCO
0-L 221 Medical doctors ISCO
0-L 2211 Generalist medical practitioners ISCO
0-L 2212 Specialist medical practitioners ISCO
0-L 222 Nursing and midwifery professionals ISCO
0-L 2221 Nursing professionals ISCO
0-L 2222 Midwifery professionals ISCO
0-L 223 Traditional and complementary medicine professionals ISCO
0-L 224 Paramedical practitioners ISCO
0-L 225 Veterinarians ISCO
0-L 226 Other health professionals ISCO
0-L 2261 Dentists ISCO
0-L 2262 Pharmacists ISCO
0-L 2263 Environmental and occupational health and hygiene professionals ISCO
0-L 2264 Physiotherapists ISCO
0-L 2265 Dieticians and nutritionists ISCO
0-L 2266 Audiologists and speech therapists ISCO
0-L 2267 Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians ISCO
0-L 2269 Health professionals not elsewhere classified ISCO
0-L 32 Health associate professionals ISCO
0-L 321 Medical and pharmaceutical technicians ISCO
0-L 3211 Medical imaging and therapeutic equipment technicians ISCO
0-L 3212 Medical and pathology laboratory technicians ISCO
0-L 3213 Pharmaceutical technicians and assistants ISCO
0-L 3214 Medical and dental prosthetic technicians ISCO
0-L 322 Nursing and midwifery associate professionals ISCO
0-L 3221 Nursing associate professionals ISCO
0-L 3222 Midwifery associate professionals ISCO
0-L 323 Traditional and complementary medicine associate professionals ISCO
0-L 325 Other health associate professionals ISCO
0-L 3251 Dental assistants and therapists ISCO
0-L 3252 Medical records and health information technicians ISCO
0-L 3253 Community health workers ISCO
0-L 3254 Dispensing opticians ISCO
0-L 3255 Physiotherapy technicians and assistants ISCO
0-L 3256 Medical assistants ISCO
0-L 3257 Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associates ISCO
0-L 3258 Ambulance workers ISCO
0-L 3259 Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified ISCO
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.
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