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draft Value Set epSOSIHERoleCode 2013‑06‑03

It is a set of technical codes defined by IHE to represent certain roles that entities play or are scoped by.
It is a set of technical codes defined by IHE to represent certain roles that entities play or are scoped by.
Value Set Name Value Set Id Version / effective date Status
epSOSIHERoleCode August 2009 (R5) - 2013‑06‑03 Draft
Source Code System:
  • IHE PCC RoleCode
Level/ Type Code Display Name Code System Description
0-L AFFILIATED An organization with which a person is affiliated (e.g., a volunteer organization). IHE PCC RoleCode
0-L EMPLOYER The employer of a person. IHE PCC RoleCode
0-L PHARMACY The pharmacy a person uses. IHE PCC RoleCode
0-L SCHOOL The school in which a person is enrolled. IHE PCC RoleCode
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.
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