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final Value Set ObservationType 2011‑07‑26

description: Identifies the kinds of observations that can be performed

Identifies the kinds of observations that can be performed

Value Set Name Value Set Id Version / effective date Status
ObservationType 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16226 DEFN=UV=VO=1099-20110726 - 2011‑07‑26 Final
Source Code System:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.5.4 ActCode
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 LOINC
Level/ Type Code Display Name Code System Description
1-A  _ActSpecObsCode ActSpecObsCode ActCode
2-L   ARTBLD ActSpecObsArtBldCode ActCode
2-S   DILUTION ActSpecObsDilutionCode ActCode
3-L    AUTO-HIGH Auto-High Dilution ActCode
3-L    AUTO-LOW Auto-Low Dilution ActCode
3-L    PRE Pre-Dilution ActCode
3-L    RERUN Rerun Dilution ActCode
2-L   EVNFCTS ActSpecObsEvntfctsCode ActCode
2-S   INTFR ActSpecObsInterferenceCode ActCode
3-L    FIBRIN Fibrin ActCode
3-L    HEMOLYSIS Hemolysis ActCode
3-L    ICTERUS Icterus ActCode
3-L    LIPEMIA Lipemia ActCode
2-S   VOLUME ActSpecObsVolumeCode ActCode
3-L    AVAILABLE Available Volume ActCode
3-L    CONSUMPTION Consumption Volume ActCode
3-L    CURRENT Current Volume ActCode
3-L    INITIAL Initial Volume ActCode
1-A  _AnnotationType AnnotationType ActCode
2-S   _ActPatientAnnotationType ActPatientAnnotationType ActCode
3-L    ANNDI diagnostic image note ActCode
3-L    ANNGEN general note ActCode
3-L    ANNIMM immunization note ActCode
3-L    ANNLAB laboratory note ActCode
3-L    ANNMED medication note ActCode
1-A  _GeneticObservationType GeneticObservationType ActCode
2-L   GENE gene ActCode
1-S  _ImmunizationObservationType ImmunizationObservationType ActCode
2-L   OBSANTC antigen count ActCode
2-L   OBSANTV antigen validity ActCode
1-A  _IndividualCaseSafetyReportType Individual Case Safety Report Type ActCode
2-L   PAT_ADV_EVNT patient adverse event ActCode
2-L   VAC_PROBLEM vaccine product problem ActCode
1-A  _LOINCObservationActContextAgeType LOINCObservationActContextAgeType ActCode
2-L   21611-9 age patient qn est ActCode
2-L   21612-7 age patient qn reported ActCode
2-L   29553-5 age patient qn calc ActCode
2-L   30525-0 age patient qn definition ActCode
2-L   30972-4 age at onset of adverse event ActCode
1-A  _MedicationObservationType MedicationObservationType ActCode
2-L   REP_HALF_LIFE representative half-life ActCode
2-L   SPLCOATING coating ActCode
2-L   SPLCOLOR color ActCode
2-L   SPLIMAGE image ActCode
2-L   SPLIMPRINT imprint ActCode
2-L   SPLSCORING scoring ActCode
2-L   SPLSHAPE shape ActCode
2-L   SPLSIZE size ActCode
2-L   SPLSYMBOL symbol ActCode
1-A  _ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType ActCode
2-A   _CaseTransmissionMode case transmission mode ActCode
3-L    AIRTRNS airborne transmission ActCode
3-L    ANANTRNS animal to animal transmission ActCode
3-L    ANHUMTRNS animal to human transmission ActCode
3-L    BDYFLDTRNS body fluid contact transmission ActCode
3-L    BLDTRNS blood borne transmission ActCode
3-L    DERMTRNS transdermal transmission ActCode
3-L    ENVTRNS environmental exposure transmission ActCode
3-L    FECTRNS fecal-oral transmission ActCode
3-L    FOMTRNS fomite transmission ActCode
3-L    FOODTRNS food-borne transmission ActCode
3-L    HUMHUMTRNS human to human transmission ActCode
3-L    INDTRNS indeterminate disease transmission mode ActCode
3-L    LACTTRNS lactation transmission ActCode
3-L    NOSTRNS nosocomial transmission ActCode
3-L    PARTRNS parenteral transmission ActCode
3-L    PLACTRNS transplacental transmission ActCode
3-L    SEXTRNS sexual transmission ActCode
3-L    TRNSFTRNS transfusion transmission ActCode
3-L    VECTRNS vector-borne transmission ActCode
3-L    WATTRNS water-borne transmission ActCode
1-S  _ObservationQualityMeasureAttribute ObservationQualityMeasureAttribute ActCode
2-L   COPY copyright ActCode
2-L   DISC disclaimer ActCode
2-L   KEY keyword ActCode
2-L   MSRADJ health quality measure risk adjustment ActCode
2-L   MSRAGG health quality measure data aggregation ActCode
2-L   MSRIMPROV health quality measure improvement notation ActCode
2-L   MSRSCORE health quality measure scoring ActCode
2-L   MSRSET health quality measure care setting ActCode
2-L   MSRTOPIC health quality measure topic type ActCode
2-L   MSRTYPE health quality measure type ActCode
2-L   RAT rationale ActCode
2-L   REF reference ActCode
2-L   USE notice of use ActCode
1-A  _ObservationSequenceType ObservationSequenceType ActCode
2-L   TIME_ABSOLUTE absolute time sequence ActCode
2-L   TIME_RELATIVE relative time sequence ActCode
1-A  _ObservationSeriesType ObservationSeriesType ActCode
2-A   _ECGObservationSeriesType ECGObservationSeriesType ActCode
3-L    REPRESENTATIVE_BEAT ECG representative beat waveforms ActCode
3-L    RHYTHM ECG rhythm waveforms ActCode
1-S  _PatientImmunizationRelatedObservationType PatientImmunizationRelatedObservationType ActCode
2-L   CLSSRM classroom ActCode
2-L   GRADE grade ActCode
2-L   SCHL school ActCode
2-L   SCHLDIV school division ActCode
2-L   TEACHER teacher ActCode
1-L  ADVERSE_REACTION Adverse Reaction ActCode
1-L  ASSERTION Assertion ActCode
1-L  CASESER case seriousness criteria ActCode
1-S  DX ObservationDiagnosisTypes ActCode
2-L   ADMDX admitting diagnosis ActCode
2-L   DISDX discharge diagnosis ActCode
2-L   INTDX intermediate diagnosis ActCode
2-L   NOI nature of injury ActCode
1-L  GISTIER GIS tier ActCode
1-L  HHOBS household situation observation ActCode
1-S  ISSUE detected issue ActCode
2-A   _ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueCode ActAdministrativeDetectedIssueCode ActCode
3-A    _ActAdministrativeAuthorizationDetectedIssueCode ActAdministrativeAuthorizationDetectedIssueCode ActCode
4-L     NAT Insufficient authorization ActCode
4-L     SUPPRESSED record suppressed ActCode
4-S     VALIDAT validation issue ActCode
5-L      KEY204 Unknown key identifier ActCode
5-L      KEY205 Duplicate key identifier ActCode
5-S      COMPLY Compliance Alert ActCode
6-S       DUPTHPY Duplicate Therapy Alert ActCode
7-L        DUPTHPCLS duplicate therapeutic alass alert ActCode
7-L        DUPTHPGEN duplicate generic alert ActCode
6-L       ABUSE commonly abused/misused alert ActCode
6-L       FRAUD potential fraud ActCode
6-L       PLYDOC Poly-orderer Alert ActCode
6-L       PLYPHRM Poly-supplier Alert Poly-pharmacy Alert ActCode
5-S      DOSE Dosage problem ActCode
6-L       DOSECOND dosage-condition alert ActCode
6-S       DOSEDUR Dose-Duration Alert ActCode
7-S        DOSEDURH Dose-Duration High Alert ActCode
8-L         DOSEDURHIND Dose-Duration High for Indication Alert ActCode
7-S        DOSEDURL Dose-Duration Low Alert ActCode
8-L         DOSEDURLIND Dose-Duration Low for Indication Alert ActCode
6-S       DOSEH High Dose Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEHINDA High Dose for Age Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEHIND High Dose for Indication Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEHINDSA High Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEHINDW High Dose for Weight Alert ActCode
6-S       DOSEIVL Dose-Interval Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEIVLIND Dose-Interval for Indication Alert ActCode
6-S       DOSEL Low Dose Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSELINDA Low Dose for Age Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSELIND Low Dose for Indication Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSELINDSA Low Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSELINDW Low Dose for Weight Alert ActCode
6-L       MDOSE maximum dosage reached ActCode
5-S      OBSA Observation Alert ActCode
6-S       AGE Age Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEHINDA High Dose for Age Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSELINDA Low Dose for Age Alert ActCode
6-S       COND Condition Alert ActCode
7-L        HGHT HGHT ActCode
7-L        LACT Lactation Alert ActCode
7-L        PREG Pregnancy Alert ActCode
7-L        WGHT WGHT ActCode
6-L       CREACT common reaction alert ActCode
6-L       GEN Genetic Alert ActCode
6-L       GEND Gender Alert ActCode
6-L       LAB Lab Alert ActCode
6-S       REACT Reaction Alert ActCode
7-L        ALGY Allergy Alert ActCode
7-L        INT Intolerance Alert ActCode
6-S       RREACT Related Reaction Alert ActCode
7-L        RALG Related Allergy Alert ActCode
7-L        RAR Related Prior Reaction Alert ActCode
7-L        RINT Related Intolerance Alert ActCode
5-L      BUS business constraint violation ActCode
5-S      CODE_INVAL code is not valid ActCode
6-L       CODE_DEPREC code has been deprecated ActCode
5-L      FORMAT invalid format ActCode
5-L      ILLEGAL illegal ActCode
5-S      LEN_RANGE length out of range ActCode
6-L       LEN_LONG length is too long ActCode
6-L       LEN_SHORT length is too short ActCode
5-L      MISSCOND conditional element missing ActCode
5-L      MISSMAND mandatory element missing ActCode
5-L      NODUPS duplicate values are not permitted ActCode
5-L      NOPERSIST element will not be persisted ActCode
5-S      REP_RANGE repetitions out of range ActCode
6-L       MAXOCCURS repetitions above maximum ActCode
6-L       MINOCCURS repetitions below minimum ActCode
3-A    _ActAdministrativeRuleDetectedIssueCode ActAdministrativeRuleDetectedIssueCode ActCode
4-L     KEY204 Unknown key identifier ActCode
4-L     KEY205 Duplicate key identifier ActCode
4-L     KEY206 non-matching identification ActCode
4-L     OBSOLETE obsolete record returned ActCode
2-A   _ActSuppliedItemDetectedIssueCode ActSuppliedItemDetectedIssueCode ActCode
3-A    _AdministrationDetectedIssueCode AdministrationDetectedIssueCode ActCode
4-A     _AppropriatenessDetectedIssueCode AppropriatenessDetectedIssueCode ActCode
5-A      _InteractionDetectedIssueCode InteractionDetectedIssueCode ActCode
6-L       FOOD Food Interaction Alert ActCode
6-S       TPROD Therapeutic Product Alert ActCode
7-L        DRG Drug Interaction Alert ActCode
7-L        NHP Natural Health Product Alert ActCode
7-L        NONRX Non-Prescription Interaction Alert ActCode
5-S      OBSA Observation Alert ActCode
6-S       AGE Age Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEHINDA High Dose for Age Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSELINDA Low Dose for Age Alert ActCode
6-S       COND Condition Alert ActCode
7-L        HGHT HGHT ActCode
7-L        LACT Lactation Alert ActCode
7-L        PREG Pregnancy Alert ActCode
7-L        WGHT WGHT ActCode
6-L       CREACT common reaction alert ActCode
6-L       GEN Genetic Alert ActCode
6-L       GEND Gender Alert ActCode
6-L       LAB Lab Alert ActCode
6-S       REACT Reaction Alert ActCode
7-L        ALGY Allergy Alert ActCode
7-L        INT Intolerance Alert ActCode
6-S       RREACT Related Reaction Alert ActCode
7-L        RALG Related Allergy Alert ActCode
7-L        RAR Related Prior Reaction Alert ActCode
7-L        RINT Related Intolerance Alert ActCode
5-L      PREVINEF previously ineffective ActCode
4-S     COMPLY Compliance Alert ActCode
5-S      DUPTHPY Duplicate Therapy Alert ActCode
6-L       DUPTHPCLS duplicate therapeutic alass alert ActCode
6-L       DUPTHPGEN duplicate generic alert ActCode
5-L      ABUSE commonly abused/misused alert ActCode
5-L      FRAUD potential fraud ActCode
5-L      PLYDOC Poly-orderer Alert ActCode
5-L      PLYPHRM Poly-supplier Alert Poly-pharmacy Alert ActCode
4-L     DACT drug action detected issue ActCode
4-S     DOSE Dosage problem ActCode
5-L      DOSECOND dosage-condition alert ActCode
5-S      DOSEDUR Dose-Duration Alert ActCode
6-S       DOSEDURH Dose-Duration High Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEDURHIND Dose-Duration High for Indication Alert ActCode
6-S       DOSEDURL Dose-Duration Low Alert ActCode
7-L        DOSEDURLIND Dose-Duration Low for Indication Alert ActCode
5-S      DOSEH High Dose Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSEHINDA High Dose for Age Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSEHIND High Dose for Indication Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSEHINDSA High Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSEHINDW High Dose for Weight Alert ActCode
5-S      DOSEIVL Dose-Interval Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSEIVLIND Dose-Interval for Indication Alert ActCode
5-S      DOSEL Low Dose Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSELINDA Low Dose for Age Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSELIND Low Dose for Indication Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSELINDSA Low Dose for Height/Surface Area Alert ActCode
6-L       DOSELINDW Low Dose for Weight Alert ActCode
5-L      MDOSE maximum dosage reached ActCode
4-S     DUPTHPY Duplicate Therapy Alert ActCode
5-L      DUPTHPCLS duplicate therapeutic alass alert ActCode
5-L      DUPTHPGEN duplicate generic alert ActCode
4-S     TIME timing detected issue ActCode
5-L      ALRTENDLATE end too late alert ActCode
5-L      ALRTSTRTLATE start too late alert ActCode
3-A    _SupplyDetectedIssueCode SupplyDetectedIssueCode ActCode
4-L     ALLDONE already performed ActCode
4-S     FULFIL fulfillment alert ActCode
5-L      NOTACTN no longer actionable ActCode
5-S      NOTEQUIV not equivalent alert ActCode
6-L       NOTEQUIVGEN not generically equivalent alert ActCode
6-L       NOTEQUIVTHER not therapeutically equivalent alert ActCode
5-S      TIMING event timing incorrect alert ActCode
6-L       INTERVAL outside requested time ActCode
6-L       MINFREQ too soon within frequency based on the usage ActCode
4-L     HELD held/suspended alert ActCode
4-L     TOOLATE Refill Too Late Alert ActCode
4-L     TOOSOON Refill Too Soon Alert ActCode
3-L    HISTORIC record recorded as historical ActCode
3-S    PATPREF violates stated preferences ActCode
4-L     PATPREFALT violates stated preferences, alternate available ActCode
1-L  KSUBJ knowledge subject ActCode
1-L  KSUBT knowledge subtopic ActCode
1-S  OINT intolerance ActCode
2-S   ALG Allergy ActCode
3-L    DALG Drug Allergy ActCode
3-L    EALG Environmental Allergy ActCode
3-L    FALG Food Allergy ActCode
2-S   DINT Drug Intolerance ActCode
3-L    DALG Drug Allergy ActCode
3-L    DNAINT Drug Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
2-S   EINT Environmental Intolerance ActCode
3-L    EALG Environmental Allergy ActCode
3-L    ENAINT Environmental Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
2-S   FINT Food Intolerance ActCode
3-L    FALG Food Allergy ActCode
3-L    FNAINT Food Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
2-S   NAINT Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
3-L    DNAINT Drug Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
3-L    ENAINT Environmental Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
3-L    FNAINT Food Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
1-L  SEV Severity Observation ActCode
1-L  ADMDX admitting diagnosis ActCode
1-L  DISDX discharge diagnosis ActCode
1-L  INTDX intermediate diagnosis ActCode
1-L  NOI nature of injury ActCode
0-L 57024-2 Health Quality Measure Document LOINC
0-L 57025-9 Data Criteria section LOINC
0-L 57026-7 Population Criteria section LOINC
0-L 57027-5 Measure Observations section LOINC
1-A  _ECGObservationSeriesType ECGObservationSeriesType ActCode
2-L   REPRESENTATIVE_BEAT ECG representative beat waveforms ActCode
2-L   RHYTHM ECG rhythm waveforms ActCode
1-L  TIME_ABSOLUTE absolute time sequence ActCode
1-L  TIME_RELATIVE relative time sequence ActCode
1-S  _ActPatientAnnotationType ActPatientAnnotationType ActCode
2-L   ANNDI diagnostic image note ActCode
2-L   ANNGEN general note ActCode
2-L   ANNIMM immunization note ActCode
2-L   ANNLAB laboratory note ActCode
2-L   ANNMED medication note ActCode
0-S OINT intolerance ActCode
1-S  ALG Allergy ActCode
1-S  DINT Drug Intolerance ActCode
1-S  EINT Environmental Intolerance ActCode
1-S  FINT Food Intolerance ActCode
1-S  NAINT Non-Allergy Intolerance ActCode
0-A _ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType ObservationIssueTriggerCodedObservationType ActCode
1-A  _CaseTransmissionMode case transmission mode ActCode
0-L REP_HALF_LIFE representative half-life ActCode
0-L SPLCOATING coating ActCode
0-L SPLCOLOR color ActCode
0-L SPLIMAGE image ActCode
0-L SPLIMPRINT imprint ActCode
0-L SPLSCORING scoring ActCode
0-L SPLSHAPE shape ActCode
0-L SPLSIZE size ActCode
0-L SPLSYMBOL symbol ActCode
0-L 21611-9 age patient qn est ActCode
0-L 21612-7 age patient qn reported ActCode
0-L 29553-5 age patient qn calc ActCode
0-L 30525-0 age patient qn definition ActCode
0-L 30972-4 age at onset of adverse event ActCode
0-A _GeneticObservationType GeneticObservationType ActCode
1-L  GENE gene ActCode
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.
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