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active Template  Problem Concern

Id Effective Date 2013‑12‑20
Other versions this id:
Status active Active Version Label
Name EntryProblemConcern Display Name Problem Concern

This entry is a specialization of the Concern Entry, wherein the subject of the concern is focused on a problem. Elements shown in the example below in gray are explained in the Concern Entry.

Parent Template

The parent of this template is Concern Entry. This template is compatible with the ASTM/HL7 Continuity of Care Document template: 2.16.840.1.113883.

This entry has a template identifier of, and is a subtype of the Concern Entry, and so must also conform to that specification, with the template identifier of These elements are required and shall be recorded exactly as shown.

Context Parent nodes of template element with id
Classification CDA Entry Level Template
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Associated with
Associated with 7 concepts
Id Name Data Set
epsos-dataelement-84 draft Problem/diagnosis Description draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-305 draft Problem Status draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-223 draft Problem/diagnosis Description draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-306 draft Problem Status draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-222 draft Problem/Diagnosis draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-174 draft End date draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-86 draft Onset Time draft epSOS Data Set
<act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN">
  <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>  <templateId root=""/>  <templateId root=""/>  <id root=" " extension=" "/>  <code nullFlavor="NA"/>  <statusCode code="active|suspended|aborted|completed"/>  <effectiveTime>
    <low value=" "/>    <high value=" "/>  </effectiveTime>
  <!-- 1..* entry relationships identifying problems of concern -->
  <entryRelationship type="SUBJ">
    <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
      <templateId root=""/>      <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>      <!-- ... -->
  <!-- optional entry relationship providing more information about the concern -->
  <entryRelationship type="REFR"/></act>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
R (Entdotsern)
epsos-dataelement-222 draft Problem/Diagnosis draft epSOS Data Set
cs 1 … 1 F ACT
cs 1 … 1 F EVN
II 1 … 1 M (Entdotsern)
uid 1 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.
II 1 … 1 M (Entdotsern)
uid 1 … 1 F
II 1 … 1 M (Entdotsern)
uid 1 … 1 F
II 1 … * R (Entdotsern)
CD 1 … 1 R Fixed nullFlavor='NA' (Entdotsern)
ED 0 … 1 R (Entdotsern)
epsos-dataelement-84 draft Problem/diagnosis Description draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-223 draft Problem/diagnosis Description draft epSOS Data Set
TEL 1 … 1 M (Entdotsern)
1 … 1 R Reference pointing to the narrative, typically #{label}-{generated-id}, e.g. #xxx-1
CS 0 … 1 R One of: active|suspended|aborted|completed (Entdotsern)
epsos-dataelement-305 draft Problem Status draft epSOS Data Set
epsos-dataelement-306 draft Problem Status draft epSOS Data Set
The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.11.11.2 ActStatusActiveAbortedSuspendedCompleted (DYNAMIC)
IVL_TS 0 … 1 R (Entdotsern)
1 … 1 R The <low> element shall be present. (Entdotsern)
epsos-dataelement-86 draft Onset Time draft epSOS Data Set
0 … 1 C The <high> element shall be present for concerns in the completed or aborted state, and shall not be present otherwise. (Entdotsern)
epsos-dataelement-174 draft End date draft epSOS Data Set
1 … * R

This entry shall contain one or more problem entries that conform to the Problem Entry template For CDA this SHALL be represented with the <entryRelationship> element. For HL7 Version 3 Messages, this SHALL be represented as a <subjectOf> element. The typeCode SHALL be ‘SUBJ’ and inversionInd SHALL be ‘false’

Note: every Problem Entry used in this section to identify problem of concern MAY have an <entryRelationship> that will indicate the severity of the problem, conforming to the severity entry template ( The severity codes to be used are epSOSSeverity, OID

alert Error: Cannot find template "" (DYNAMIC)
treeblank where [@typeCode = 'SUBJ']
cs 1 … 1 F SUBJ
0 … * R optional entry relationship providing more information about the concern. A source of information observation SHALL be the target of an entryRelationship whose value for “entryRelationship / @typeCode” SHALL be “REFR” “Refers to” 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1002 ActRelationshipType STATIC. A source of information observation SHALL be represented with Observation. CONF‑524 / CONF‑525
cs 1 … 1 F REFR
ASTM CCR requires that all data objects have a stated source (or state explicitly that the source is unknown) so that any data within the summary can be validated. The source of data may be a person, organization, reference to some other data object, etc. CONF‑524 / CONF‑525
cs 0 … 1 F OBS CONF‑526
  The value for “Observation / @classCode” in a source of information observation SHALL be “OBS” 2.16.840.1.113883.5.6 ActClass STATIC.
cs 0 … 1 F EVN CONF‑527
  The value for “Observation / @moodCode” in a source of information observation SHALL be “EVN” 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1001 ActMood STATIC.
CD 1 … 1 R A source of information observation SHALL contain exactly one Observation / code. The value for “Observation / code” in a source of information observation SHALL be “48766-0” “Information source” 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 LOINC STATIC. CONF‑530 / CONF‑531
CONF 0 … 1 F 48766-0
0 … 1 F 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 (LOINC)
0 … 1 F Information source
1 … 1 R A source of information observation SHALL contain exactly one Observation / statusCode. The value for “Observation / statusCode” in a source of information observation SHALL be “completed” 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 ActStatus STATIC. CONF‑528 / CONF‑529
CONF 0 … 1 F completed
1 … 1 M A source of information observation SHALL contain exactly one Observation / value. The absence of a known source of information SHALL be explicity asserted by valuing Observation / value in a source of information observation with the text string “Unknown”. CONF‑532 / CONF‑533