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 (epsos-issue-1) Add Thyroidectomy, Partial and Total
Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.
Not assigned yet.

Issue Add Thyroidectomy, Partial and Total
Id epsos-issue-1
Type Change Request
Status  Open
Priority normal
Object(s) Value set epsos-valueset-10 (2013‑06‑03)
The Value Set is used to encode procedures in the section "Surgical Procedures prior past six months" in the patient Summary
Value Set Name Value Set Id Version / effective date Status
epSOSProcedures 2013‑06‑03 Draft
notice There are open issues with this item:
Source Code System:
  • 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 SNOMED-CT
Level/ Type Code Display Name Code System Description
0-L 16545005 operation on nervous system SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 37508003 operation on neck SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 363187007 limb operation SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 112698002 operation on joint SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 392236004 Operative procedure on spinal structure SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 385487005 Surgical procedure on thorax SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 21371007 Operation on abdominal region SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 30904006 Vascular surgery procedure SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 57168000 Operation on bone SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 392048005 Operation on urinary system SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 12658000 Operation on female genital organs SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 373353005 Surgical procedure on eye proper SNOMED-CT Czech EDS
0-L 177146008 Other cesarean delivery (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 118831003 Procedure on intestine (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 84877006 Arthroscopy of knee with meniscus repair (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 236886002 Hysterectomy (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 236887006 laparoscopic hysterectomy SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 398010007 Insertion of hip prosthesis (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 85548006 Episiotomy (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 63016009 Total resection of urinary bladder (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 118804001 Procedure on blood vessel (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 119922005 Biliary tract endoscopy (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 86749008 Stripping and ligation (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 122471009 Reduction of open fracture (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 4770005 Colporrhaphy for repair of urethrocele (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 312775003 Debridement of ulcer (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 118716003 Procedure on foot (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 122470005 Reduction of closed fracture (procedure) SNOMED-CT TOP 20 Germany
0-L 257822003 Extracapsular extraction (qualifier value) SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 47534009 Release of Carpal Tunnel SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO The surgical relief of compression of the median nerve at the wrist
0-L 54885007 Operations for Cataracts SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 359612003 Implantation of cochlear prosthetic device SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 429639007 Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty with or without insertion of stent(s) SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 232717009 Coronary artery bypass graft SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 73761001 Colonoscopy with or without Biopsy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 80146002 Appendectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 6025007 Laparoscopic appendectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 38102005 Cholecystectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO Excision of all or part of the gallbladder
0-L 45595009 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 44558001 Repair of Inguinal Hernia SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 15018006 laparoscopic Repair of Inguinal Hernia SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 90199006 Transurethral Prostatectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 90470006 Prostatectomy (includes transurethral) SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 76810006 Diagnostic Dilation and Curettage SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO A form carried out to examine the removed uterine contents for disease characteristics
0-L 11466000 Cesarean Section SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 397956004 Hip replacement, Total and Partial SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 112727005 secondary hip replacement SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 19063003 Knee replacements, total and partial SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 384723003 radical Mastectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 70183006 subcutaneous Mastectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 64368001 partial mastectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 9888007 intracranial lesion exstirpation SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 59712006 evacuation of subdural haematoma SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 10458001 evacuation of intracranial haematoma SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 3418002 intervertebral discectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 173422009 tonsillectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 173171007 lobectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 359623004 total pulmonectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 232632009 wedge excision of lung SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 10847001 bronchoscopy with or without biopsy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 66951008 carotid endarterectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 405525004 Repair of aneurysm of abdominal aorta SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 441612006 Repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm with insertion of endovascular stent SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 112828007 Femoral-popliteal artery bypass graft SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 234336002 stem cell transplantation SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 23968004 colectomy SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
0-L 70536003 transplantation of kidney SNOMED-CT Hospital Data Project WHO
Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.
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tracking Tracking 2013‑06‑09 - status: Open
Author Alexander Henket
Description Issue:

Should add "Thyroidectomy, Partial and Total". Currently 2 codes 171975009 or 13619001 are under considerations

Additional info:

Hospital Data Info Project WHO