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open (epsos-issue-49) Missing value set binding for Prescriber Speciality

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.10.6.49)
Last assignment to Giorgio Cangioli
Issue Missing value set binding for Prescriber Speciality
Id epsos-issue-49
Type Change Request
Status open Open, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Data element epsos-dataelement-238 "Prescriber Speciality" from dataset "epSOS Data Set" 2013‑05‑30
Path to element: Clinical Data / Medication / Prescription / Prescriber
draft Prescriber Speciality
Id epsos-dataelement-238 (2013‑11‑27 11:03:56)
notice There is an open issue with this item:
  • epsos-issue-49: Missing value set binding for Prescriber Speciality (Open)
Description Some countries need the specialty of the prescriber for the epSOS ePrescription to be seen as valid. In the epSOS phase 1 ePrescription data set, this element is not basic (minimum), therefore not always filled in. The proposal is to define the specialty of the prescriber as a basic element, so it should be filled in, if available. As it could be that this information is not available in every country, null values should be allowed.
Value Domain Type code
Used by 4 scenarios, inherited 0 times
target This concept is used in transaction Return eP from country A (0..*) in scenario ePrescription (eP)
target This concept is used in transaction Return MRO (0..1) in scenario Medication Related Overview (MRO)
target This concept is used in transaction Send HCER to country A (0..1) in scenario Health Care Encounter Report (HCER)
target This concept is used in transaction Return PS of country A (0..1) in scenario Patient Summary (PS)
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